
BDBasket is an independent website dedicated to the recopilation of data and statistics of the spanish basketball league, including seasons from the first division beginning from 1990-91.

The statistical data is the ACB official, except for some isolated cases where the ACB data was wrong, confirmed and corroborated by several highly reliable sources.

All information that is in this website (both data and photographs) has been collected personally, either from websites, own material, newspapers and newspaper archives.

If we somehow violated the copyright of any person or company, we suggest to contact us to correct the mistake, understanding that it was not made voluntarily (much of the data and photos have been contributed by users and external partners) and with no problem it will be solved either by removing the affected content or giving credit (referencing) the corresponding part.


There exist various ways to contact with the administrator of this website:

Firstly, you can use the contact form.

You can also send an email directly to the adress bdbasquet (arroba) yahoo (dot) es.

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For those of you that want to help this site there are different ways to do that, which are the following.

1. Adding data. You can use any contact channels to provide information.

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5. Commenting this web to your friends or anybody that can be interested.


This web would not be the same without the help of Lluis López Serra, who has provided the majority of the photos and has obtained the permissions to publish the data.